HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartProduct Detail Quantity Change causes IE to lose tabsProduct Detail Quantity Change causes IE to lose tabs
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6/22/2011 7:42 AM

If you go to the cart here and look at the product detail of any product (that does have tabs of information like specfications and FAQ's) in internet explorer there is an issue. This has happened in every cart version I have used.

This issue does not happen in Firefox, or Safari.

If you change the quantity of one of the products on the product detail page (Pick any of the laser sheet tray tags, for instance (the first category that shows)) and hit the enter button it calculates what the price per carton would be with that number of cartons being purchased. The problem is, then all of the tabs at the bottom of the page no longer work.

Can anyone see if they can replicate this issue on both my cart and maybe their cart?

If you need more info let me know



New Post
6/22/2011 10:08 AM


This does not happen in a standard SmithCart environment but I did notice that your tabs use custom css as you can see the tabs flicker on mouse over.


  1. On page load, tab1 style="display: block" but after modifying the quantity it changes to "display: none"


  1. Notice that if you click on the quantity field, enter a number. then click on a tab it will display. However if you click on quantity then press tab, then click on a tab is does not display. Lost focus works differently for these similar events.


  1. Lastly, click on the minimize icon in the top right corner of the module. Then click maximize and notice how the page is not displayed properly.


There must be something in your custom css or skin that is overriding the  behaviour. You might want to use the default skin to quickly test this.

New Post
6/22/2011 2:21 PM

Yep after changing to the default skin and testing, the issue is not present.

So now I have to figure out what in my custom skin code is causing this. I'm just leary of changing anything because I'm not sure how it will affect the public site.

Any ideas? We don't really have a sandbox site to test on yet (I just haven't gotten around to it)


New Post
6/22/2011 9:39 PM

Sounds like it is time to get around to it, or hire someone to do it for you.

First make a backup of your data using SSMS or SQLCMD into App_Data (preventing the file from being served by browser requests). Then copy the entire dnn web application folder (or export the application with IIS 7/7.5) to your development machine. Restore the data locally and start testing.

I use an automated script using winzip and ftp to syncchronize my development machine to my production server. It takes less than 5 minutes to start debugging DNN locally with an exact copy of my production website (2 GB) and data (250 MB).

One way to examine css is to press F12 in Internet Explorer. You can adjust the css and see the results immediately.

You can also run your css files using http://csslint.net/ although you may find the results overwhelming.

New Post
6/24/2011 2:39 PM

I think I can handle doing the sandbox site setup, but me digging through all of the code to change this issue isn't worth my time at the moment, but I'd happily pay a dev to fix the issue and one other issue we are having with our buttons.

If you have someone in mind (or yourself) let me know



HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartProduct Detail Quantity Change causes IE to lose tabsProduct Detail Quantity Change causes IE to lose tabs