Hi Guys,
I am having dfuculties with product variants and their quantity on hand.
The store I have set up for my client is based around clothing www.bigbroads.com.au
For each Item of clothing, there are multiple sizes. And assigned in the product variants section, I have set up the quantity for each size. So for example my variants look like this: (exapmple is the colorful orange shirt)
For the colourful orange shirt, I have set the quantity on hand (in the product set up screen) to zero, so in theory, all I have are 2 small colourful orange shirts.
Now the dificulty is that even though I have the small variant of this shirt set to a quantity of 2, then this is selected in the dopdown list, It still shows th sold out message. My guess is that It is not using the variant quantity, but using the base quantitiy for the product.
So I made sure that the "Enable Inventory Management" check box is selected.
So for this part, is there anything that I have Missed or completed incorrectly for the product variant quantity on hand not to be used.?
The next difuculty I am having is that when a product variant is selected, and added to tthe cart, the quantity on hand displayed is the quantity set for the base product, and not the variant.
Any help no getting this to work will be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,