HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...List Box does not displayList Box does not display
New Post
1/30/2012 2:34 PM


Using the latest downloaded bits (installed yesterday). When I enter a Terms and Agreements in the List Box Text for either the Registration page or the Confirmation page, the text does not show in a list box even though there are serveral pages of text.

I found .ListScroll in the modules.css file which where Height was set to 100%. By changing that, I got the list box to show.

But, the text has that shows has all the Linefeeds removed. This makes it impossible to show a readable document consisting of multiuple, numbered paragraphs. Note that in the admin page for adding the box, the text shows properly. It just doesn't render properly.


Any suggestions?




New Post
1/30/2012 4:59 PM
Hi Brett,

Which version of Smith Reg Pro and DNN are you currently running?

New Post
1/30/2012 6:06 PM
For your product, I am using whatever you are shipping as of yesterday. The version number is not obviously visible in the UI and the filename for the downloaded bits do not include a version.

For DNN - 5.06.03
New Post
1/30/2012 6:19 PM
Hi Brett,

The module version can be found under the Host or Admin menu > Module Definitions > Module version will be listed next to the module.

New Post
1/30/2012 6:22 PM
New Post
1/30/2012 7:01 PM
Hi Brett,

If you open the module.css folder located in \DesktopModules\SmithRegistration and locate class .ListScroll you will find that the height is set to "100%". If you change the height to a fixed size such as 500px, the listbox will be formatted to the size you specify with the scroll bar available to scroll through the text you have added.

New Post
1/30/2012 7:37 PM
Yes. Thanks.

May I direct you to my inital post were that is exactly what I did and it solved that problem. I posted the question before I found the answer by rummaging around in your files.

The topic at hand now is not the display box, since that is solved, but instead, that there are no line breaks in the text that displays in the form.

As stated above "But, the text has that shows has all the Linefeeds removed. This makes it impossible to show a readable document consisting of multiuple, numbered paragraphs. Note that in the admin page for adding the box, the text shows properly. It just doesn't render properly."

What can I do to show the text as it shows in the configuration form?

New Post
1/30/2012 9:23 PM
Hi Brett,

The Listbox supports html. You can format you text in an html text editor then copy the source into the listbox to change the display of its content.

New Post
2/1/2012 3:33 PM
That works!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...List Box does not displayList Box does not display