HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Qty On Hand - Not showingQty On Hand - Not showing
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3/16/2012 10:04 AM

Hello. One of my products I want to limit the quantity to 300. The documentation says the following if I want to show the remaining quantity on hand:


Quantity on Hand – The quantity on hand field is used to manage your available 
inventory for your product.  Enter the current available product quantity you have 
available in your inventory.  Every time a user purchases a unit of product the quantity on 
hand is decremented by the number of units purchased.  
Show Quantity - Check this box if you would like to display the “Quantity on Hand” 
column on the cart screen during checkout.  If the “Quantity on Hand” checkbox is not 
checked then the quantity on hand will be hidden.
The problem is, instead of showing how many are left to the potential buyer, it gives them an option to choose how many they want before purchasing. Although I can find a use for this, selling more than one.. what am I missing as far as showing how many are left? I'd like for them to see on the table layout how many are left of each product.
Thanks!   dnn 5.6.5 regpro 4.36
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3/16/2012 6:51 PM

Hi Patrick,

The "Show Quantity on Hand" feature does not show the remaining Quantity On Hand, it will display the Quantity box just as you described above. I can see how the terminology does not specifically describe this and will update the documentation accordingly.

The ability to show the remaining Quantity On Hand is not currently supported. If you have budget in your project and would like to be provided with a fixed to develop this feature, please do one of the following:

We quote all feature enhancements below cost since is enhancing the module and in most cases we can start work within a week.

New Post
3/16/2012 7:27 PM

I really don't have additional budget available. I would rather wait for your team to do this on their own and find a way around it for now.

Another issue that is somewhat confusing is the final checkout stage. Lets say someone chooses 2 products.

In the final step, it shows the total amount for 1, not two. 

Not sure if it actually charges for both yet or not.. but I will test using Manual instead of Authorize.

New Post
3/16/2012 7:42 PM
Okay, I confirmed that it does show the correct price in the payment manager section.

However, it's very misleading on the final payment page. Let me give you a better example:

1. John wants to list two businesses he owns in the business directory.
2. John chooses the silver package which is $75/month, and adds "2" to his checkout.
3. The final screen says:

Total Price: $75.00
Qty: 2

So there's no monthly grand total, etc. This can be slightly confusing.

What are your thoughts?


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