Multi Row Search Layout Setup


When you select the Multi Row Search Layout option in the search module settings, the following setup options will be displayed:






Show Dropdown 1 & 2 – Check this box to display the custom dropdown list to the user as a product filtering option in the search module.


Please Note: If you configure the Search Module to display dropdown #1 or #2, it requires that you configure search terms in the product setup screen. Please see the following link for more information on configuring product search terms.


Dropdown Label 1 & 2 – Enter a custom label that will be displayed next to dropdown in the search module.


Dropdown Values 1 & 2 – Allows entry of comma separated values to populate dropdown on search module with.






Show Category Dropdown – When checked will show a dropdown list in the search module that is populated with category and sub category names in your store.


Category Label – Allows you to enter a custom value that is used as the label for the category dropdown filter in the search module. 


Show Textbox – When checked will show a textbox in the search module that allows the user to enter keywords to search on.  The search module will a wildcard search on the search terms entered in the search textbox.


Textbox Label – Allows you to enter a custom value that is used as the label for the customer search textbox in the search module. 


Show Sort – When checked displays a sort dropdown list in the search module with the following sort options:


      Custom Dropdown 1

      Custom Dropdown 2


      Product Price