Product Import


The Products Import function allows you to import Categories, Manufacturers, Products, Sale Price, Variants and Images from an Excel spreadsheet.  The import products function allows the ability to import an unlimited number of categories and sub categories per product.


When importing your products the program will lookup products by SKU, if the product currently exists in the database the import program will update the existing product and if the product SKU does not exist the import program will insert a new record in the database.


For the latest field spec for SmithCart Click Here



Previous Import Specs and Sample Spreadsheets:


      v5.25: Click Here

      v5.20: Click Here

      v4.92 to v5.0: Click Here

      v4.86 : Click Here

      v4.85: Click Here

      v4.30 to v4.84: Click Here

      v3.97 to v4.28: Click Here

      v3.05 to v3.96: Click Here

      v3.04 and below: Click Here