Product Percent/Amount Discounts By Role


SmithCart supports configuring Percent/Amount Discounts at the product level by Role. If the user is logged in and is added to the Role define for the discount the amount defined will be charged for the Product.


The following steps are required to configure Product Percent/Amount Discounts By Role:


Step 1 – Enabling Product Percent/Amount Discounts By Role


Enabling the Product Percent/Amount Discounts By Role option turns on the discount. For more information, please see the “Product Percent/Amount Discounts By Role” section.


Step 2 – Product Percent/Amount Discounts By Role Setup


Configuring the Product Percent/Amount Discounts By Role setup will define the DNN Role and discount that will be applied to the order. For more information, please see the “Product Percent/Amount Discounts By Role Setup” section.


For more Discount options, please see the Discounts section.