HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow to send multiple email confirmationsHow to send multiple email confirmations
New Post
2/4/2011 9:26 AM

My customer would like the order email to go to several people such as Sales, Customer Service, Manufacturing, and Shipping. I haven't tried it, but is it just a matter of separating the email address with some sort of delimiter such as a semi-colon? Which fields can I set up with multiple emails such as Store To or Third Party Email. Thanks



New Post
2/4/2011 4:41 PM

Yes, this can be done by adding multiple emails to the Store "To" Email in the Email Setup section of the BuyNow module settings. Separate the emails with a ";", i.e. email1@host.com; email2@host.com; email3@host.com; etc.

Adding multiple email addresses to the Store "From" Email or 3rd party CC email does not work.


New Post
2/7/2011 9:58 AM

You can also take advantage of the Web Service feature if you want to email different groups based on what was sold.

  1. For each order I call my web service with order ID.
  2. In my web service function I loop through the order detail records and email various vendors based on what was sold.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow to send multiple email confirmationsHow to send multiple email confirmations