HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSales tax not being chargedSales tax not being charged
New Post
8/31/2012 9:42 AM
In the store settings under the Tax Setup menu, I have selected "Flat Tax in Taxable States List" and selected Massachusetts from the list, and entered a tax rate of 6.25.

However, when customers from Massachusetts place an order, no sales tax is being charged.
New Post
8/31/2012 5:15 PM

In order to help troubleshoot this issue we need the following:

1. Which version of Smith Cart you are currently running.

2. Which version of DNN you are running.

3. Which Payment Gateway are using.

3. Screen shots of your Cart Settings; General, shipping and tax sections.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSales tax not being chargedSales tax not being charged