HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShipping question (Both fixed and live UPS)Shipping question (Both fixed and live UPS)
New Post
2/17/2011 9:06 AM

Hi, we manage hotseatsim.com that uses SmithCart. Question is: Can we use
both live shipping rates AND have a per production handling charge added for
specific SKU's? Reason why: This store has a lot of small, easy to ship
items. But we also ship crates that weigh 150 lbs and go out freight.
Fixed costs don't work because a combined order of small items will have an
outlandish shipping price. Weight only doesn't work because we end up
losing money shipping the big boxes. Ideas?

New Post
2/17/2011 9:53 PM
Accepted Answer 

You can add a handling charge for selected products only. In the BuyNow module settings, select the checkbox called "Charge Handling for Selected Products Only", this checkbox works in conjunction with the “Charge Handling” checkbox in the product setup screen. So for products you want to charge handling on, click on the charge handling in the product set up screen.



HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShipping question (Both fixed and live UPS)Shipping question (Both fixed and live UPS)