I am trying to figure out how to remove/delete a subscription for a user. We are using reg pro to off a paid subscription to website content.
When a user subscribes, the entry is created in ARB on the auhorize.net side of things. I have the silent post back URI populated at auth.net. When I look in the Reg Pro admin and click on subscriptions, there is nothing listed even though I can see the arb entry, and the test user has been added to the proper security groups.
I was hoping that my client could use the smith module in their site to cancel the subscriptions. This would remove the ARB entry, and remove the security roles, but I cannot find a way to do this.
If I go to the payment screen I have the option to delete a subscription but on clicking the 'Cancel Subscription' button I get and error:

A critical error has occurred.
Input string was not in a correct format.
when I go into authorize.net and cancel the subscription there. It is removed from the ARB< but the silent post back is evidently not working, as i can log into the site as an admin, and the user still has the security roles that were assigned when the subscription was created.
I know that there is new functionality in 4.25 (which I hope is still on track for Monday), but I need to get things ironed out in this version before moving forward with that upgrade.
Please advise as to the procedure I need to use to get this functionality for my client working properly.